Saturday, April 9, 2011


Whereas most of the movies I watch are 80s action hits or quirky 90s comedies on VHS; disregarding the fact that I find myself using space on my hard drive to store weird artsy and/or French films that I specifically scour the interwebs for before forgetting about them and finally watching them 3 months later; not to mention that I rarely, rarely go out to see them in the theaters, I really like the feature-length film as an art form. And sometimes, randomly, I get stoked on film.

is a review of the film HANNA from BadassDigest. It's from the director Joe Wright, who did Pride and Prejudice and Atonement, but as BadassDigest cites,
With Hanna, as good an action movie as anyone has made in the last ten years, Wright proves that he’s not going to be stuck in some sort of artsy-fartsy, vaguely chick film box.

Which is funny because Hanna is kind of artsy-fartsy and more than vaguely a chick film, but it’s one that kicks so much ass, is so exciting and thrilling and awesome, that many folks might simply miss the fact that Wright didn’t just make a really good action film, he made a really good film, with resonant themes about growing up and characters who are defined beyond their ability to kill with their bare hands.

It's got a sort of Princess Mononoke vibe to it, crossed with The Bourne Identity and the Chemical Bros are doing the soundtrack. Anyway, here's the trailer:



Saorise (pronounced "sear sha"!) is probably the prettiest name I have heard in forever. Those Irish. And their pretty names.


Also, disregarding all previous statements, I will always dote on Natalie Portman and thus two weeks ago I finally say Black Swan (as I'm the last person ever to have not seen this film) and soon I will be seeing Your Highness.

This movie
strikes home for me in many ways, including, but limited to: my penchant for quests and comedies about said quests (see: Princess Bride), magic, R-rated comedies, Natalie Portman (see above), the mannerisms and voice (and apparently the quill--he wrote this movie!) of the lovely and always hilarious Danny McBride, and lastly, slow motion action shots.
